Your business likely generates a substantial amount of garbage and trash over the course of a week. As many people are becoming aware of the need for protecting and preserving the environment, there are many businesses that are starting to implement recycling programs to help minimize this pollution. Sadly, recycling is a misunderstood program to many business leaders, and they may be making the error of believing a couple of routinely held myths.…
In these tough economic times, finding ways to earn extra money and keep more money in your pocket is both helpful and smart. You might be surprised to discover that you have a small gold mine in your home in the form of scrap metal. There are a number of items that you often overlook. Familiarizing yourself with just some of these items can help put more money in your pocket.…
When it is time to replace your water heater, you have an opportunity to make a significant change that could result in energy savings for years to come. Instead of installing a traditional water heater, you can opt for solar water heater. If you are unsure whether or not this is the right option for your home, here are some of the pros and cons of using a solar water heater.…